Thursday, March 22, 2007

This is sad

This is the list of books that I have started to read this semester but have not yet finished:

The Legacy of Sovereign Joy (Piper)
The Pursuit of God (Tozer)
Called to the Ministry (Clowney)
Atlas Shrugged (Rand)
A Long Obdience in The Same Direction (Peterson)
Knowing God (Packer)
Understanding Dispensationalists (Poythress)
Creation Regained (Wolters)

There is absolutely no excuse for this. I am starting to realize that, if I'm honest, much of my "desire" to read is basically just a desire to "have read" something. I want to be able to say that I have read something so that I can hold my own in a theological discussion. I am looking to break down books into a couple of sentences so that I can either praise it or refute it and feel comfortable with myself. It is just striking to me how I can flit from one subject to another, and think that I growing spiritually. Shame.


Jake said...

I can totally relate to feeling that way about reading... I often do the same thing. I've been trying to do better in that area but of course part of the issue now is I simply don't have the time for pleasure reading. But once I do I'd like to be able to start doing it more for pleasure and a greater knowledge of the world God has made and less so that I'm able to argue a certain position or impress with the amount I've read.

Alex D said...

I also totally relate. This year I have bought so many books that sound interesting(about 5-6 of them) but haven't started reading any of them. It seems that there is definitely a sinful bent in my desire to read certain books. I even start feeling like a sorry excuse of a Christian if I don't read x amount of high-quality books. But I am saved not because of the books I have read, but by the mere grace of God! Praise God!