Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cell phone spirituality

I got a ridiculously funny text message last night when I was hanging out with some people at The Mill. The message said this:

Say this slowly "God I love U & I need U!" send this to 10 ppl & a miracle will happen 2nite. Ignore it and everything will go wrong!

I ignored it and everything seems to be fine so far. I read the message out loud and everyone laughed. It was from some unknown Mississippi number (go figure). I tend to get pretty annoyed with any form of media as a means to share the gospel, although I'm sure God has used it. My favorite story is when I received one of those Christian email forwards that told some emotional and unbelievable stories. Then at the end of the message it said something like this:

Send this to as many people as you possibly can!!! If Jesus had been alive when we had email, he would definitely have used it to spread His name.

WOW. I can't even begin to list all the problems with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heartily agree. And by the way, greetings from an internet cafe in Kampala, Uganda! Look forward to seeing you, brother.