Friday, February 29, 2008

Hermeneutics Quiz

I just took the hermeneutics quiz created by Scot McNight. It was an interesting assessment and I actually appreciated the way that it was set up. Like any 20 question quiz that is intended to define who you are, there were limitations. But I cringed far less during this quiz than I usually do when I mark answers.

The quiz is scaled from 1 - 100. Interestingly, I scored a 53 which is the very first number in the "moderate" category. I'm really quite surprised that I didn't fall into a conservative category, but I guess that it was a close call.

Mostly the quiz asks questions about the relationship between the old and new testaments (covenants) and whether we understand the Bible more systematically or communally. There were also some questions about how we interpret some "hard" biblical passages like women's roles and homosexuality. Take the quiz HERE


Jake said...

Interesting quiz... I scored a 63, which puts me right next to you in the moderate camp, although I'm closer to the progressive (progressive starts at 66).

Thanks for sharing :).

Anonymous said...

I scored I little more conservative with a 51, but I agree I think it was put together quite well, considering.